Thursday, April 15, 2010

The 1st Automated Elections in the Philippines

The Philippines will hold its first automated elections on May 10, 2010 (just a few weeks from now) but not everyone knows how to vote or what to do during the election. Although the Commission on Elections and other NGO's provide tutorials in every part of the country or puts advertisements on TV, radio and on the newspaper, it still is not enough to reach everyone. Luckily, with the help of technology (Internet, of course), a lot of people can be reached especially the younger voting population on how to vote. I found this video on Youtube explaining the process on the automated voting. Please click on the link:

Philippines 2010 Automated Election Voter's Education (Tagalog Version)

I am a bit skeptic with how this election will progress since there are talks on attempts to hack the server or system that will be used in counting the votes. I also have doubts on how they will be sending the results to the main system. What if it they were altered or switched? 

The Filipinos around the world especially the ones in Hong Kong, Singapore and other countries were the first ones to experience this kind of election and so far the feedbacks are quite good except for the problems regarding missing names on the voter's list and malfunctioning PCOS machines.

The automation will shorten the process of our election since the manual elections takes us a long time to proclaim the winners but I believe that we humans would still make this election process run smoothly.

Again, we Filipinos should be vigilant and stand up for what is right and guard our votes against cheaters. We should vote wisely, think of your future, your children's future and the future of your family. Vote the people you think would put the nation first before their personal gains. We should vote with conscience, with pride and with dignity. 

This time let's make the difference, let's not waste the multi-million pesos spent on modernizing our election process. Let's leave the voting precincts with our head held high because we are proud of who we voted for. Let's all be proud to say PINOY AKO!


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