Thursday, September 20, 2012


Hello guys! First, thank you to everyone who have been visiting this temporary website. Based on the stats, I've been getting around 5,000 hits a day. WOW! Second, thank you to those people who have been posting links to my site with proper attribution in other website, forums (Soompi) and even in Facebook and Twitter. Kudos to those who have left comments to my posts too...

I recently found this blog site who have been posting my translations and photos without my knowledge and proper attribution. Plagiarism for me is a mortal sin against bloggers or writers and I have been very careful not to violate other blogger's rights.

I have already sent an email warning the owner of the site but that person just ignored my warning. So I would like to ask you guys a favor and help me inform the site's owner that he is plagiarizing other people's work.

The website I'm talking about is If you'd look at the articles posted on this site, you'd notice that it's the same content as mine. You may see differences in the wordings but it could be because this person is deliberately doing it just so nobody would notice the similarities but sad to say his efforts failed.

So I am asking you guys a favor and help me inform this person of his misdeed. There are two ways you can inform him, one is through email ( and the other is to leave a comment on the articles posted on his site. I would really appreciate it if you could heed my request.

I hope you understand why I'm asking for help, I felt like this person stole something from me. I have no problem sharing my work to other people for as long as they ask for my permission or give proper attribution.

I'm counting on you guys and thank you in advance! 'Til the next...


happy22qt :D