Tuesday, September 11, 2012

[KDrama] Golden Time Episode 19 Text Preview

[KDrama] Golden Time Episode 19 Text Preview

임시 이사장이 된 재인. 병원을 순시하며 해운대 세중병원의 시급한 현안들을 해결
해나가려고 노력하지만 각 부서의 비협조적인 태도로 어려움에 맞닥뜨린다.
한편, 복지부에서 감사가 내려와 정신없는 병원. 심평원 직원은 자신의 처방내역을
보며 약물을 오남용 한 것이 아니냐며 인혁과 민우에게 약물을 투여할 수 밖에 없었
던. 객관적인 자료를 요구하는데...
English translation by happy22qt:
Kang Jae In is
Jae In became the temporary chairman. She immediately inspects the hospital in order to resolve the pressing issues at Haeundae Sejoong Hospital and keeps on going even if faced with difficulties like the uncooperative attitude of each department.
On the other hand, the Department of Health and Human Services audit is underway and the hospital gets busy. The Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRAS) is also there to check on the prescription history of the hospital staff so Min Woo and In Hyeok thinks that this is just unfair since they do not misuse the medicines they give to their patients. So they demand for an objective data...
[Original text preview and photo source: Golden Time MBC Official website]

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